Help with moving...


I have a 55gal LS set up which currently has no fish but a good cleaning crew (cbs, scarlet cleaner shrimp, hermits, snails) and two red serpent stars. My tank is well established and doing great but I will be moving in Feb. I need some advice on the best way to do this. Will I have to cycle the tank? I'm moving locally so there's no major distance involved. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Place the livestock in a large garbage can with a portable air pump (battery operated) save some of the water if possible and also as much of the sand in seperate containers. set up tank in new location and replace sand and water. Make new water if needed, then get filters heater working. when water temp normal. aclimate livestock like you did when you first got them. tank should not re cycle, you could buy a bag of Natures Ocean live sand and then you will bypass a cycle.
Hope that helps