Help with Mushroom Polyps


I recently got a mushroom polype that was attached to a lose piece of love rock. However it keeps on falling off the live rock I put it on. Any suggestions on any adhesives or ways of attaching it to a rock would be very helpful. Thanks :D


Active Member
when i harvest my fallen suppl yof mushrooms, i try to find a decent place from them in an area of the tank that doesnt have much water current. You can then take a small piece of live rock, and press the mushroom into a crevice on it and hold it there for several minutes(this is what i do and works quite well. You could also take a rubber band that loosely fits over the rock and mushroom and leave it there for a couple days and the mushroom will attatch itself. you can creat some pretty cool and colorful rocks by doing this and can spread your shroom population to your entire tank!
good luck