help with my bubble tip anenome


Dont know why but my BTA just will not come from under the LR will it die if it doesnt get enough light or will it come out before that happens.anyone have any info.


BTA (and others, I imagine) will CHOOSE THEIR OWN SPACE.... I have a BTA - intro'd in July - moved 3 times initially (within the first week) BACK to front! Then left it and hoped.... Just this weekend, moved the whole rock to front... So far, so good.
I would never - however - try to wrench the foot loose from it's place, if it has adherred at all! that will only cause injury that will likely kill. I rotated the whole rock!
(What a pain)
Good luck.


Active Member
one of mine are staying under my coral now and it has been there for about 2mnths now its healthy so maybe urs will find a place or maybe it likes it there it will move if on its own if it wants just feed him and he should be fine bc that is wat i do and my clowns also are hosting the anenome wich was weird bc it was under a coral.


thanks for all the advice but it looks like i lost it today what a shame it was one of the nicest i have seen.