Help with my dKH level! PLEASE!

I need some help lowering my Alk levels in my 55g reef. I had added some Reef Builder to raise the alk and have raised it too much.
My dKh is now 14.4
Calcium: 420
Am I just better off doing a small water change to lower my Alk, or is this not too high of a reading?
Please help soon as I will begin to get my WC water ready if that is the case!


Active Member
you could do a water change, or just let it come down on its own. i personally would ride it out and let it come down naturally, but it could take a few days. a water change may cause a sudden drop in the alk, which may be more harmful than the high reading your getting now.
OK, thanks for the quick response. So you think that the 14.4 reading is not dangerously high? If not , I'll do as you reccomend and ride it out.


Active Member
it is pretty high, kinda on the dangerous side. what im saying though is that if you try bringing it down, it may come down too fast, and that is what may cause the problems.
if it was my tank, i would just ride it out. its your tank, so i dont want to tell you to ride it out, and then you have problems. hopefully someobdy else has some advise for you.


14 is fine. A lot of aquarists myself included like to keep the alk levels around 12 anyway.
Just imagine how many people add that stuff and never check alk cause they don't understand that that's what it is...
Your fine don't stress.
Course, I guess I should ask what it was before you added the reef builder?? Cause if you went from 2ppm to 14.2 in a short period of time, we may have a problem.


Active Member
ive always considered anything above 13 too high imo, thats why i was kinda bordeline with the 14.4. i mean it us up there. i usually aim for between 9 and 11.


I wouldn't keep a tank at 14 but I wouldn't hesitate to shoot it up there if I knew I was going out of town and couldn't dose alk for a few days.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
I wouldn't keep a tank at 14 but I wouldn't hesitate to shoot it up there if I knew I was going out of town and couldn't dose alk for a few days.
very true. i always add a little more kalkwasser to my slurry if im going to be away for the weekend. probably bumps it up kinda quick, but in my head, it makes sense that it will last longer.


I was having the same problem keeping things in balance......B-Ionics fixed that. My Cal. and Alk. stays balanced and I only use B-Ionics once a week. Just my 2 cents.


I have to use a quarter cup a day!! of both parts!! I switched to kalk and cheap buffers.
It all depends on your bioload. Most tanks could get away with nothing other than water changes.