Help with my setup


New Member
Hi guys how are ya, I'm a new comer to this message board and to the hobby. I'm sure you guys can help me with my questions. I have two tanks a 90 and a 70 and in my 70gl (48"L X 18W X14H) I would like to make it a fish only tank by adding 1 Lion, 1 eel, 2 Maroon clowns and a wrasse. Please note. The tank has been running for a month now on a filter system consisting of 20lbs of Mud with a lot of macroalgy and 24hr x 7day lighting, I'm not sure if I can name the company but they say I do not need a skimmer and I can load it up :) residents already in tank are 4 2" Damsels (Half & Half, Neon, Four stripe and a Domino) a algy Blenny, an Emerald Crab, a Brittle Star, some Hermits and snails and about 75lbs of Live Rock with a 1/2" CC sand bed. any and every advice you give is greatly accepted.
I'm not really sure what you want to know but the fish sounds like a good idea. On the other hand the cc looks great but is a pain. I would go with a sand base, I just got finish removing 3" of cc from my 125gal to add live sand. The cc gave me high nitrite and nitrate. Don't get me wrong here cc can be acheived but I don't think it's worth it.
Hope I could be of some help


Active Member
It is alright to name a product that you find worthwhile, but not a link or address to a site that sells any fish related products as that is against the board rules. If it is something that our members will find new and interesting then we want to hear about it.


New Member
Thanks guys for the reply, I put some serious thought to it and decided to use my 90gl for my FO and my 70gl for my reef.