Help with percula clown....

Hey i posted this in disease and treatment, but i really didn't get any help, my clown is losing its orange color and turning a pink white, all parameters are great, i had two one died four days ago and he did the same thing, now this one is doing it, can it be stress?? What causes this? Thanks


this is very common for these fish when they get stressed, i just had one that i was using formalin bath on to cure some ick and the shock going back to the dt was to much and he die within the hour.


Do you know your parameters? How old is the tank?
How did you acclimate them?
Is their anything else in the tank (other inhabitants) that could be stressing the fish out?
Sorry for all the questions, just trying to help you narrow it down. I have had the same experience posting in the disease section and not getting much help so I know how it feels.
Oh, and another thought? What about stray voltage?
Originally Posted by sac10918
Do you know your parameters? How old is the tank?
How did you acclimate them?
Is their anything else in the tank (other inhabitants) that could be stressing the fish out?
Sorry for all the questions, just trying to help you narrow it down. I have had the same experience posting in the disease section and not getting much help so I know how it feels.
Oh, and another thought? What about stray voltage?
ammonia 0
nitrate 10
nitrite 0
ph 8.2
salt 1.022 (hydrometer)
There is nothing else in the tank there was just two perculs one died of course, nothing else though, i don't know what could be stressing it out, were not in that room much just to change diapers and stuff, its my 13 month old daughters rooms so, i don't really know what you mean by stay has a wisper 5 filter and a power head, and some lights, its a 20 gallon...the fish that is still alive hides alot though.....thanks


It souds like the clown is stressed .. how did you acclimate them?
For now, just turn off your bright light and leave only the moonlight and please do not keep staring at it .. just watch it over a distant.