Help with planning


We have had a 125g for 4 years and it has done fairly well. We have corals, anemonies clean up crew fish etc. Now we are starting another tank it will be a 210g and I want to make it a fish only tank. I have stocking questions. Here is my wish list. Please tell me if you see a fish on here that just won't work in the mix or is just way to difficult. Feel free to make suggestions.
Dogface puffer
Snowflake eel
Blue face angel
Green bird wrasse
Achilles tang
Would an Emperator work if we add it at the same time as the blue face?
Any other suggestions?


New Member
you probaly shouldnt put an eel with anything else rather than a eel unless you are going to have an agressive tank and online reseaching helps alot to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The eel should be OK with that mix, EXCEPT for the puffer. Arothron sp. puffers have a tendency to take bites out of an eel's back (I've had this happen first hand). Do realize that SFE's tend to become aggressive once they reach sexual maturity and get a bit of size on them.


Thanks for the help! Our LFS is great but sometimes I don't think they really know everything. They still tell people you can keep more than one dwarf angel or more than one large angel together. Which is wrong, right?


Originally Posted by zoboo2 http:///forum/thread/380719/help-with-planning#post_3317428
Thanks for the help! Our LFS is great but sometimes I don't think they really know everything. They still tell people you can keep more than one dwarf angel or more than one large angel together. Which is wrong, right?
Not necessarily, many people, myself included, successfully keep more than one dwarf in the same tank. Granted, there are some rules:
1) they should never be the same species
2) they should not be the same body shape (for example, Flame angels and coral beauties do well together because they are different shapes)
3) the tank should not be smaller than 125G
I think your stock list looks pretty good. I would skip the eel though. It's doable, but IMO, not worth the hassel.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zoboo2 http:///forum/thread/380719/help-with-planning#post_3314043
We have had a 125g for 4 years and it has done fairly well. We have corals, anemonies clean up crew fish etc. Now we are starting another tank it will be a 210g and I want to make it a fish only tank. I have stocking questions. Here is my wish list. Please tell me if you see a fish on here that just won't work in the mix or is just way to difficult. Feel free to make suggestions.
Dogface puffer
Snowflake eel
Skip it
Blue face angel
Green bird wrasse
Achilles tang
Would an Emperator work if we add it at the same time as the blue face?
Any other suggestions?
An emp wount be ok they have rthe same shaped bodies its one or the other tho you could get a queen instead but you have to get one bigger than the other and i think you could add another fish to the list maybe a pair of clowns if you like them