My Puffer, may have a disease. I noticed last night that part of his body..on top, towards the tail, was pale. Normally when the lights go on in the morning, he's pale all over. But last night, he didnt eat, and as I mentioned, he has what appears to be a pale patch from his caudal fin on down towards his tail. Now it appears as if that same area is swollen. Almost like a tumor I spoke with my LFS and he suggested changing his diet. I dont think that will correct this. I also read something while I was at the LFS about Dropsy. The symptoms sounded almost the same. The other fish are acting fine. Eating normally. No major changes occurring in the past week. I have been adding Tech CB part A and Part B to raise the Calcium level for my LR because I use RO/DI water. I have FOWLR tank. I am setting up my QT just in case. Can anyone help???
Parameters: NH3 0.0
Nitrates and NItrites: 0.0
PH was low, 7.9-8.0
Parameters: NH3 0.0
Nitrates and NItrites: 0.0
PH was low, 7.9-8.0