Help with puffer

My porcupine puffer keeps laying down on this one rock and seems to be breathing rather hard. We just switched him from a 29gal to a 75 gal yesterday and he seemed perfectly fine until about a couple hours ago. Any ideas on what would cause this?
The saliantiy was 1.022
Ammonia may be spiking due to new addition of sand. (40lbs)


Well my suggestions would be:
1. PH is a little low, you should have it around 8.2.
2. Ammonia is high ,no matter how low it may be.
3. He could be just stressed from changing his habitat. Maybe he needs a couple of days in the tank to adjust.
Is there anything missing with the switch of tanks? New filters, LR, I saw LS but that should not be that big of a deal.


I have a porcupine puffer (frank sinatra) :) he sometimes lays on a rock or just hangs out on the bottom of the tank. If when you approach him or come to the glass he stirs, I wouldnt think much about it. What a great fish !!!!!!!!!
I found out what it was. I over fed him. His belly was all pouched out. Once he relieved himself he was all happy.
Yeha I gonna up the PH and lower the ammonia.
What do you think the best way for this is?
I gonna do a 10G water change for the ammonia.