New Member
I have a 30g tank that was previously used to house my fishes (for about 6 months) until 2 mos ago when I decided that I was going to use it as a QT. So I removed all the LRs (but left the live sand there since I already have excess for the new tank). I also kept the same filter.
Everything was going fine (nitrite, nitrate, ammonia were zero) and my new fish went through a quarantine cycle there okay too. It all started when I tested the QT water last week (preparing to quaratine a fish with ich), nitrites and ammonia levels are way high. I tried changing water and added a little biozymes but that didn't work.
What could be the cause of this sudden surge in the levels? Could it be that removing all LRs caused the tank to recycle again, but why didn't the water go bad right after I took the LRs out (which was about 2 mos ago)? thanks for any input.
I have a 30g tank that was previously used to house my fishes (for about 6 months) until 2 mos ago when I decided that I was going to use it as a QT. So I removed all the LRs (but left the live sand there since I already have excess for the new tank). I also kept the same filter.
Everything was going fine (nitrite, nitrate, ammonia were zero) and my new fish went through a quarantine cycle there okay too. It all started when I tested the QT water last week (preparing to quaratine a fish with ich), nitrites and ammonia levels are way high. I tried changing water and added a little biozymes but that didn't work.
What could be the cause of this sudden surge in the levels? Could it be that removing all LRs caused the tank to recycle again, but why didn't the water go bad right after I took the LRs out (which was about 2 mos ago)? thanks for any input.