help with reef tank lighting!!!


Active Member
hello. im new to saltwater. i have a 75 gallon tank, i want it to be a reef tank. i was told that u could use a t5 or metal halide for this setup. i work in a electric supply house and we sell metal halide stuff. i was wondering what all would i need to set up this lighting.
i know i would need the light socket, bulbs and wire but im new so i need to know the watt size and everything else i would need so i could go ahead and buy it and start putting this lighting in. i wanna set my lighting up with metal hailde lighting.
i need to know the watts and everything else i would need to set this up. thanks to everyone who helps me.
another question, i want the blue bulbs like u get in a strip light like jebo and so on. how would i set this up?


Active Member
For halides you need a ballast, socket and reflector for each lamp. You want a parabolic style reflector, marine depot has just reflectors I think.
As far as wattage it depends on your tank and what you want to raise
Need length x depth x height of the tank but generally speaking 250 watt halides are the most commonplace and probably most versatile as far as the size tank you can use it on.


Active Member
Two 250w bulbs would allow you to keep whatever you wanted. What bulbs to use depends a lot on your preference. If you like more blue then look for something in the 14-20k range. If you like more white, shoot for the 10-12k range.
Google Sanjay Joshi lighting tests for some good bulb/ballast combinations and comparisons.