Help with ricord. shrooms


Usually when we get mushrooms from LFS thay are already stuck on a rock or shell but we just picked up 3 ricordia that are not stuck on anything. How do we get them to stick where we want them? Thanks for helping a newbie!


Active Member
Originally Posted by zoboo2
Usually when we get mushrooms from LFS thay are already stuck on a rock or shell but we just picked up 3 ricordia that are not stuck on anything. How do we get them to stick where we want them? Thanks for helping a newbie!
Place them in a low flow area on the sand and they will stick sand to their underneath. Take them out, dab them dry with a papertowel and then take out a rock , dab dry and use super glue gel. Cover the rock with a damp papertowel for 3-4 minutes so gel can set up, replace in tank. Or:
place ric. on a rock and cover with a mesh to keep them in place, they should adhere in a week or so by themselves. Hope that helps.


Oh perfect!!!! Thanks for the help! I thought I read you could superglue them but letting them stick in the sand first makes much more sense now! Thanks again!!!