HELP with Scared Royal Gramma


New Member
We have a 6 line wrasse and recently added a royal gramma (not much smaller than the 6 line wrasse). For a week the royal gramma has been hiding in a hole because he is afraid of the wrasse. The wrasse harasses the gramma all day. What can we do to solve this? We have rearranged the rocks and that has not helped.

We are thinking of either adding a flame angel to keep the wrasse occupied, or just getting rid of the wrasse.
If we try the angel approach, do you guys think that will work?

If we get rid of the wrasse is it possible for the gramma to still be scared and hide forever? :notsure:
We have a 55 gallon and have had fish in for over a month.
Thanks for any help


Active Member
You could always take the wrasse out and put him in your sump for a week or so, assuming that you have one. That would give the gramma some time to get comfortable and get a little territorial.
If the threat is removed, the gramma should gradually come out from hiding and get comfortable.
I do not think the angel method would work at all. Besdies, angelfish need mature tanks to survive (at least 6 months).


Active Member
I would not go the angel way. I don't think adding another fish would solve your problem. If I was you, I would either give them time or take one back to the LFS.


Active Member
This is weird, I was just cautioning someone about royal gramma with sixline wrasse yesterday. Yeah, unfortunately sometimes those two do not get along. I don't think it will change. He is going to be difficult to remove, they are wiley and fast.


Good luck removing that 6 line wrasse.
My wrasse started picking at my new clown and BTA so I decided to get rid of him.
He was one of the first fish that I put in my 55 Gallon.
Last night I pulled all of the rock out of the tank and still took 45 minutes to catch him.
Like I said, GOOD LUCK cause you're going to need it.