Limited to no snails for purchase at the LFS and online retailers ( included) don't ship to Hawaii, so owner at the LFS suggested I collect my own.
1st pic: Went snorkeling and picked up a couple varieties....
2nd pic: Close-up of onyx nassarius? These guys bury down in the sand, but spend time on the sand surface and the LR too. Don't behave like the Nassarius vibex I saw on you-tube videos! I've found lots of info about the Ilyanassa obsoleta, but the ones I have are much bumpier than any of the pics I've found of that species, and were collected locally here in Hawaii (not the East Coast or any of the other locales where they have been catalogued as an invasive species (i.e. PNW & CA)) so I'm not sure that is an accurate ID either.
3rd pic: Close-up of turbo snail?
I've got 5 turbos, 10 nassarius, and 1 cerith, if that is indeed what they are. Is that too much for a 90G FOWLR with a Lawnmower Blenny? Thanks in advance for the help.
1st pic: Went snorkeling and picked up a couple varieties....
2nd pic: Close-up of onyx nassarius? These guys bury down in the sand, but spend time on the sand surface and the LR too. Don't behave like the Nassarius vibex I saw on you-tube videos! I've found lots of info about the Ilyanassa obsoleta, but the ones I have are much bumpier than any of the pics I've found of that species, and were collected locally here in Hawaii (not the East Coast or any of the other locales where they have been catalogued as an invasive species (i.e. PNW & CA)) so I'm not sure that is an accurate ID either.
3rd pic: Close-up of turbo snail?
I've got 5 turbos, 10 nassarius, and 1 cerith, if that is indeed what they are. Is that too much for a 90G FOWLR with a Lawnmower Blenny? Thanks in advance for the help.