the thing will not eat, I had it for 3 days, It's the only thing in my tank
I have a 150 gl with about 100 lbs of LR, the snow flake is about 12in long
any advice ?
Personally...three days is not a very long time for a new fish to be shy. Did you have the LFS feed him in front of you before you bought him? Are you giving him meaty foods?
Check your water parameters...if all else is fine, I would give him another day or two. Did you ask the LFS what they were feeding him? Maybe he is a picky eater...I had a lion about 9 years ago that would only eat certain brands of frozen stranger things have happened...
what exactly and how are you feeding this snowflake. I know I have to hand feed mine and wave the food right in front of his face or he doesn't see the food for some reason. Mine is blind as a bat when it comes to food. I wonder how these things survive in the wild if it can't see well.
my sfe is very blind too, i have to take the food and almost place it in his mouth. he eats twice a week, but when he eats he is a pig. i offer him food everyday but he wont take it but twice a week.
Originally Posted by rev_toni
Personally...three days is not a very long time for a new fish to be shy.
I agree, I'd start to be concerned after day 5.