Help with some ideas for a sump/refugium/mangrove area using a 55 gallon TruVu Tank


Hello all,
I am getting closer to setting up my 135 Gallon tank and I wanted to get some creative Ideas on how to setup my plumming.
I have a general Idea of what I want and for hardware I have a DelRay unit, and my old 55 Gallon TruVu to use.
I would like to have an area for a skimmer, refugium, and Mangrove garden. If possible I woudl like to fit it all in the 55 gallon TruVu tank (then I could sell the DelRay unit). I have posted a picture of my first go at the plumming. You will notice that I did not include the skimmer because I was unsure were to place it, and I did not put an area in for the Mangrove garden (I am only planning on having the Mangrove if after doing more reseach I find it to be a big benifit).
So give me some great ideas and feel free to mix up the configuration if you think their is a much better way.


Ok after thinking about it a little (and getting some sugestions) I have revised the plumming diagram.
So check this one out and give me some feedback.


Active Member
Looks good, but my personal preferance is to have the fuge off to the side or a seperate tank...Feeding it by either "T"ing off the return pump or better yet the overflow line..
Then running water slower and having it dump into the return pump chamber where you would then need only one pump to return water/run the system...(not counting skimmer pump)
Kip posted this eons ago but it's a good layout to follow...


Active Member
The way you have your's set up now all the water from the overflows has to go through the fuge area to get to the return pump...
IMO that's a bit too fast for proper nutrient removal/absorbtion...


And this is why I love this board:jumping:
Thanks guys, you make some very good points and I will change my setup to have the return pump in the center with a line T'ed off to a ball valve feeding the Refugium and Mangrove area which will then overflow back to the return pump.
On a side note, does anyone see a big benifit to having a Refugium and a seperate area for Mangroves? Just woundering because I have not done too much research on Mangroves yet but I have seen quite a few people using them.
Any way, here is the new version for plumbing


that is probably (and i dont know why) the easiest understanding i have found on sumps/fuges :) That is how i plan on doing mine in the future with my 400-500 gallon.. :) thank you for the clarity!!! :joy:
P.S. does anyone else think that is a good set-up... im still learning!!


Active Member
I like the layout, the size (bigger is better), and the baffles to the return pump chamber...
Don't know much about the needs of Mangroves it's hard to say if that's a proper placement for their needs...


i want to do a setup like this for my 10g, should I use a 20L or would a 10g be big enough a setup. I am about to start building a stand and need to decide how to set it up


Active Member
I did a set up with a 10 for my 20 Nano...
Old pic shows it with the fuge in the center, but represents that there's enough room...
If I did this one again I'd put the fuge on the side/return pump center to be able to regulate flow...
The way it is shown all flow goes through fuge area...


For squidd's diagram where his protein skimmer is, if i don't have a protein skimmer could I setup filtermedia in that section? And if so are bioballs safe to use. I know my dad has used them for years in his outdoor pond, but I have seen some posts on here about people not liking them.


Active Member
I like this set up better...
Liverock 27: Use your LR in the Main tank for biological filtration "surface area" and you could add a bit more in the fuge area for pod production
If you do that you really don't need the bioballs...
A GOOD skimmer is a good investment and part of the total "system"...HIGHLY recomended..:yes:
For lighting...I try to get 4+ watts per gallon for Macros running 24/7...for other "intended purposes" (xenia, pod production, mangroves, etc...) needs/schedual may be different


Thanks I plan on investing in a good skimmer soon, but for right now I don't have the money for a good one and I am not going to skimp on a cheap on. I was given a seaclone100 and now I understand why i got it for free. What skimmer do you recommend for a 10g or a 30g?


Active Member
Actually, on my 20 I ran a sea clown...:eek:
But I had that thing modified, tweaked to the nines, and turbo charged...:D
I tested a CPR bac pac but that couldn't keep up with the "clown"...
I'm not thrilled with the Prizm's I've seen, but I have heard good things about the Aqua C remoras...(pro, I believe)


Well, since I am stuck inside because the storm is now apon us, Souther Ga, I started on my setup and everything is going well, but I was wondering what yall have on the end of the tubing for where the water reenters the tank. Also instead of where you have the bioballs is that where I could put LR or would the LR go in the refugium? Thanks and hope everyone south of me survived the storm.


Everything didn't go well. I was usign squidd's blueprint for a sump (for my 10g tank that has a 20gL sump). I am using a 175gph powerhead and 3/4" tubing that travels up to the tank about 40". The pump only was pumping about 30gph from the sump to the tank. I know this is not enough turnover, so i was wonering if i should just move to smaller pipe, 1/2" or os, or if I need a larger powerhead. Also I was wondering for my overflowbox to my sump what size bulkhead then will i need and would i just switch over to the new pipesize also? Thanks for any and all help, i would love to get this project done by the end of the weekend, so i can go ahead and start setting everything up.


Active Member
Sounds like your going to need a bigger pump...:D
1. What size bulkhead do you have in your overflow now...
2. What size drainpipe going to sump...
3. Are you diverting flow to a fuge area fronm reurn pump...
4. What's the "Goal Rate" for flow in your 10gal tank...
5. Will all the flow come from the return pump or will you have additional powerheads...?
Reducing the size of the line (to tank) to 1/2" will reduce flow further by adding restriction to the powerhead you have...