help with some identifications


Active Member
I've got names for a little more than half of my zoos, but was hoping for some help on the rest, much appreciated.
1. Blow Pop?

2. BlueHex?

3. Fire and Ice?

4. ?

5. Green Bay Packers?

6. Kryptonite?

7. ?

8. Papa SMurf?

9. ?

10. ?


Active Member
Nice Zoos and Palys!
Have you tried the Zoa Id site? Put Zoa and Id together and google it.


Active Member
So I think
1, 3, 5, and 8 are right
2 is Blue Sunshine
4 is Green Monsters (saw flric's post with similar and this name) or GPE (looks just like them except for the purple/pink color right at the base of the fringe)
6 is Neon Green9 is Spiderman
10 is Ring of Atlantis (green rings just starting to show up)
11 is Pink Zoot Suit
12 is Neon Eyes
13 is Raspberry Redd
Any problems with any of these? Would love a suggestion for number 7. They are really cool, but I've never seen them anywhere else.