Help with stocking plan


New Member
I am in the process of cycling my 72 gallon bowfront (Fish only) and am beginning to think about the fish that I will acquire. I am thinking of the following:
2 clowns
1 yellow tang
cleaner goby(for removing parasites dead skin etc)
1 flame angel and/or regal tang.
Does this sound reasonable in a tank my size? Of course I will not add all these fish at one time and from what I understand, the yellow tang should probably be added last.
Should I add any shrimp or snails?
I have a wet/dry filter and a cc substrate(I am aware of the dsb preference of most people but I like cc)
thanks in advance for the input.


In a 72 you could add a lot more fish than that. I fyou want shrimp or crabs dont buy any Hawkfish. You could have over 10 fish easily. There are so many choices of fish for a 72 just research them and find some you like