Help with Sump & Fuge set up for 55 gal Reef.


New Member
Hey all, i could use some advise from you all, i am setting up a 55 gal reef (currently cycling) & i need some help in setting up the sump & fuge area.
Due to the fact that it all needs to fit under the stand (& the fact that i would like to be able to remove them when needed), i am limited to 2 10 gal tanks (1 for the sump & 1 for the fuge). in looking at all the sump/fuge designs here, i have come up with the following. My overflow is split into a T, both branches have a shut off valve, left branch will drain into 10 gal sump & right branch will drain into fuge. I am currently running 2 AquaC Remora hang on PS hanging off the DT for now, i will be upgrading to a AquaC EV120 (due to it's small foot print & height & how much i like the Remora). so my questions are as follows:
1) How many baffles? (im thinking 3 2" appart each)
2) How tall should the baffles be?
3) Where should the baffles go?
1) Do i need baffles
2) How should i get the water to the sump?
3) How much flow do i need for a fuge?
Sorry for all the questions, but i want to make sure i get it right.