help with sump/refug for 150 reef

Active Member
ok every one this is the last part for my 150 reef that i have been talking about for going on like 6 months now. it is a 40gal long that will be a sump/ refuge can you guys give me some idles on how to set it up.

Active Member
i have tryed to post a pic of what i would like to do but it wont let me post it so i will have to tell you. the tank is a 40long that is 4' long i am looking to split it in to 3 partes. part-1 will house my skimmer and will be where the water from the tank will enter so it will only have to be a little biger then the skimmer. part-2 will be my refuge and will be the larges part. part-3 will be where the return pump will be housed.


Active Member
Here is a genral diagram of how mine is set up. I actually went with 3 chambers instead of 4. Hope that helps! Take care!

Active Member
hey mark did you make yours your self if so where did you get the spacers for the chambers.


Home depot and lowes sell 1/2 thick fiberglass that would work really well for chamber dividers. That is my next project.