Help with sump setup


I am trying to set up my fuge and sump. I have a Tidepool overflow ( U-shaped). I have 2 questions....1) If I were to run my return pump submersible, can I have it just sitting at the bottom of the tank of my sump??? 2) After adding water to the overflow until it begins to flow down into the sump (fuge in my case), the manual says to add water to the sump until sump water level reaches bottom of external pump bulkhead or submersible pump intake.....It says not to fill more than 1/4" above external pump bulkhead or submersible pump intake.... Totally confused here, any help would be greatly appreciated.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by drewdog82
I am trying to set up my fuge and sump. I have a Tidepool overflow ( U-shaped). I have 2 questions....1) If I were to run my return pump submersible, can I have it just sitting at the bottom of the tank of my sump??? yes that is fine 2) After adding water to the overflow until it begins to flow down into the sump (fuge in my case), the manual says to add water to the sump until sump water level reaches bottom of external pump bulkhead or submersible pump intake.....It says not to fill more than 1/4" above external pump bulkhead or submersible pump intake.... Totally confused here, any help would be greatly appreciated.
I dont understand that last questian cuz as your tank water evaperates so will the water in your sump I dont think that you should listin to that I would just add enough water to fill your fuge and cover your pump


Originally Posted by sign guy
I dont understand that last questian cuz as your tank water evaperates so will the water in your sump I dont think that you should listin to that I would just add enough water to fill your fuge and cover your pump
Thanks, I understood all of the directions except for the second part of my question.... well I hope it works....


to take a wild guess i think they want to make sure you have at least enough water in there to cover the pump upon startup and when and if you ever have to turn it of and on.. so that you dont run dry but i never heard of such a thing.. most people have enogh commonsense.. i find the safest way for the fuge is to leave enough empty sapce so that if you have a power failure and all lines and overflows drain that it dosnt over flow your sump.. mines about 3/4 full upon top off and its 30 gallons.. after enough evaporations im alittle above half way and then i just top it off.. i actually gave my self a little mark for high and low on the side of my sump... good luck..