help with tang with ich...

my qt tank is in the middle of cycling and my tang has ich.. not only that i cant catch him.... my questions being...
can i treat my whole tank, which i know your not supposed to, do....?????
also will the rid - ich hurt my corals????
iam kinda of stuck in what my options are.
any advice would be great thanks............


Active Member
well if he is in your DT then your whole DT has ich now. first understand the tang and ich are inevitable. that is there common cold.
normal medications really dont effectivly work. only being fishless for 6 weeks or hypo.
with corals i wouldnt use any meds. being fishless for 6 weeks will be fine. but you cannot hypo with live sand, live rock, and corals. only fish.
hope this helps. bout to leave work i will check your thread when i get home. best of luck to ya.
understand that when all said and done the tang can get ich again out of now where.
what is hypo?????
also being fishless are you saying take out all my fish from my dt?? if so putting them where?? i have nothing else set up.. mt qt tank is cycling and is very small.........


Active Member
read up on hypo from this site. Lioncrazz has a very helpful thread at the top of this forum.
quick definition, hypo is when you drop the salinity from 1.025 down to 1.009 slowly ich cannot survive in low salinity but fish can.
fishless. yes means no fish in the DT. where to put them. well thats a horse of another color. with saltwater there should always be a back up.
with a QT tank. the tank shouldnt be big enough for your new additions. it should be big enough for all the fish in your DT. a mistake many make. the asume wrong.
what type of tang is it.
sailfin tang....... iam kicking myself really hard. i have put so much time and money into this and now it feels like iam loosing it all. do you think they will be fine till my qt tank is done cycling??


Active Member
sailfins r very susceptable to icks. my sailfin had icks 3 weeks ago, but my yellow didnt. i bought some cleaner shrimps and neon gobies, it seems to hv gotten rid of it for now. i dont believe in medication. but if u can catch him, guess u should hypo him.