Help With Temperature Issues Please!

i am here

I have an Eclipse 12 gallon tank with the stock 13 watt compact flourescent lighting in it. I have had my tank up and running for about 1 1/2 weeks. I live in Florida(no need for tank heater) and the thermostat is set at a constant 78 degrees in the house. The aquarium is located in a room that does not have direct sunlight and is maintained with the thermostat at 78. I started off with nutri seawater in the tank (78)at room temp and in the 1 1/2 weeks that I have had the tank, the temp has fluctuated between 79-85 and has never stayed at its original temp. What might be causing this fluctuation? I can live with fluctuations in temperature, obviously we don't live in a perfect world, and these "reefs" would have fluctuations if they were out in mother nature, but my concern is that these fluctuations are on the upper end of the "safe" temperatures. Any tips, tricks or thoughts on controlling temp would greatly be appreciated. Thanks


do u have an a/c vent near it that might help not directly on it, or maybe a fan near it to help it stay cooler. Yea u dont want ur temp that high try different things to see if u can get it to go down maybe other people will have some ideas for ya.


Active Member

Originally Posted by I AM HERE
. I live in Florida(no need for tank heater)

Here is your mistake ...this is a common misconception.
I live in Florida too..and all my tanks have heaters. You want wherever your tank tops out at,you set your heater within 1 degree to keep the temp consistent. I also keep my home very cool. You might try incorporating a small fan into the canopy somehow. This will increase your evaporation so adjust accordingly.