Help with Toadstool


I've had a toadstool in my tank for about 8-9 months now. It was half on the rock it came on and half on the lr that was underneath it. I was moving some things around last night and the lower rock slipped and ripped the part that was on the upper rock off. The toadstool closed up but before I went to bed I noticed that it was coming back out. And it was still out this morning. I was afraid that it would release a toxin that would wipe out my tank overnight. But the rock it is on has so much else on it that I didn't want to remove it. Do you think I have anything to worry about or is there something that any of you think I need to do? Any advise will be greatly appreciated.
The smaller rock already had a small toadstool growing from where the larger one moved. Now there is a good piece of tissue left on the side of the rock from this mishap. Will a new toadstool grow from that tissue also?


Active Member
most likley one will grow from the tissue left behind.
as for toxins just run some carbon to soak up any pollution caused by damaging the leather, then do a water change.
nothing to panic over.