help with turbos


i have 3 turo snails in my 12. the first day they ate a lot of algea. after the first day they didnt eat at all or really even move for that matter. ive had them for 3 days now and all the water parims. seem ok. whats wrong????!!!!!


Active Member
they might have ran out of algae if they are too big, but sometimes they just don't do stuff, happens to me too.


I had a similar situation with my Trochus snails. I only started out with two, but they didn't seem to be making much of an effort to cure my algae issues. The next week I picked up 4 Astrea snails and 1 Nassarius, and they went to town on my algae. The Trochus snails, realizing they had competion, started picking up the pace.
No more algae farm!


yeah, there is still plenty of algea for them to eat.... i might try to get a few more snails, make the turbos step up to the competition. haha.