New Member
2 weeks ago we got a frag of Heteroxenia. They have been doing very well. They started pulsing about 3-4 days after we received them, and have already started growing new branches. We have been very pleased with them so far... until today.
Came home from work and found a white patch on one of the stalks and the branches were shriveled.
We sort of panicked and decided to crop the white portion of the xenia out. Now, 5 minutes later, they are back to pulsing and acting normal.
Any suggestions on why this happened? Could it be bacterial? do I need to worry about any of my other corals being affected by the whiteness?
here are some specs.
tank: JBJ 28g Nano HQI, skimmer, chiller/ heater.
inhabitants: 2 oscellaris clowns, bi-color blenny, sailfin blenny, banded coral shrimp, lettuce slug, 2 peppermint shrimp, a dozen hermits, a dozen assorted small snails. everyone gets along great!
other corals: green star polyps, green leather coral, 3 or 4 kinds of polyps, heteroxenia frag, pompom xenia frag. there's also a very small BTA
parameters: pH 8.3-8.4, Ca 420-440, Nitrates 0, Nitrites 0, Ammonia 0, Carbonate Hardness 161.1ppmKH, Temp 77, Salinity 1.024
I know there are a couple of other treads on here about this, but I just want some opinions. Is this whiteness going to affect the rest of the tank? Are the other stalks going to turn white and die?
Anything will help! Thanks!

Came home from work and found a white patch on one of the stalks and the branches were shriveled.
We sort of panicked and decided to crop the white portion of the xenia out. Now, 5 minutes later, they are back to pulsing and acting normal.
Any suggestions on why this happened? Could it be bacterial? do I need to worry about any of my other corals being affected by the whiteness?
here are some specs.
tank: JBJ 28g Nano HQI, skimmer, chiller/ heater.
inhabitants: 2 oscellaris clowns, bi-color blenny, sailfin blenny, banded coral shrimp, lettuce slug, 2 peppermint shrimp, a dozen hermits, a dozen assorted small snails. everyone gets along great!
other corals: green star polyps, green leather coral, 3 or 4 kinds of polyps, heteroxenia frag, pompom xenia frag. there's also a very small BTA
parameters: pH 8.3-8.4, Ca 420-440, Nitrates 0, Nitrites 0, Ammonia 0, Carbonate Hardness 161.1ppmKH, Temp 77, Salinity 1.024
I know there are a couple of other treads on here about this, but I just want some opinions. Is this whiteness going to affect the rest of the tank? Are the other stalks going to turn white and die?
Anything will help! Thanks!