Help with xenia


I just got a frag of xenia and it was doing fine till lastnight when It didn't pulse nearly as much and its branchs started to sag. Should this be a cause for concern? :help:


try testing your PH usually mine stop pulsing or they are uncoordinated pulses and droopy when the PH is lower than normal


Active Member
Do a water change. See if that perks it up.
Xenia is fickle... once it establishes itself in a tank it can grow like a weed. Getting it to that point is tough, however.


New Member
My xenia did the same thing a few days ago. Within the first 2 weeks I had it started to spread and then started curling up turning a milky color. I did a 20% water change 2 days ago and it looks worse everyday. My PH is around 8.3. If anyone has any suggestions or possible solutions I'm listening.


Whats ur iodine at sometimes if ur iodine is low ur xenia dont like that what about ur waterflow u have enough to keep them swaying u dont want to much but u want enough, xenia are tough at first i had a huge colony die, i found one single poylp just laying in my sand i picked it up put it on my live rock and a couple months later it just keeps getting bigger, so just check all ur water parm. and see if somthing dosnt look right to u.


Active Member
I've had pulsing xenias in my tank for almost a year. Recently I had to frag and send some of the little critters (6 frags) to the LFS to find new homes.
What I've found with these guys, is that they don't really like a whole lot of flow...they like a little bit, but not that much. How much flow do you have them in, and what kind of lighting do you have?
Once you get them situated just right, these critters spread like crazy. I had one that was just starting to spread onto one of my big rocks from the frag rock it was on...I now have a teeny-tiny xenia growing where I had to pull the frag off of...crazy...
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
when i got mine,,it was very little..and it looked really sad ,,,i just new that it was going to die, but it came through and totally amazed how fast these things grow...i will get a picture for you,,,i have a pulsing one and a pink xenia....sorry about the pictures,,,gotta get a new camera..have a great night...



Active Member
When I first purchased mine it took it a week to come around and now it spreads like the plague. Put it in a low flow area with directly under the lights high in the tank.