Help, Zoo colony shinking!


Active Member
I have had this little colony for about 8 months. Here is a picture of them on March 1st.

Since then, they have been growing new polyps, but "shrinking" in the middle. Here is an April 3rd picture.

And a picture from Today.

Here are 2 magnified views.

Can anybody see my problem? I got a small new Eagle Eye colony on March 14th, but it is 18-24 inches away and not showing any problems. There is another colony of green/orange zoos 1-2 inches away that is not showing any problems either.
Please help!

angler man

What other corals do you have in the tank?
Also, did you dip all of your colonies before you put them in the tank?


Active Member
Yes, I dip in Lugols. I have some SPS, LPS and softies.
SPS - Acropora, Hydnophora, Stylophora
LPS - Brain, Candycane, Favid
Softies - Zoos - 7 colonies, Paly's and Shrooms.
I have a BTA that is secured itself about 4 inches above this particular colony of zoos.

angler man

Originally Posted by jpc763
Yes, I dip in Lugols. I have some SPS, LPS and softies.
SPS - Acropora, Hydnophora, Stylophora
LPS - Brain, Candycane, Favid
Softies - Zoos - 7 colonies, Paly's and Shrooms.
I have a BTA that is secured itself about 4 inches above this particular colony of zoos.

Seriously, go to wetwebmedia and do some reading. I hate to say it but either you're dealing with something that is preditory such as a zoa spider, snails, worms(which I doubt since you did the dips) or you're simply dealing with allelopathy. I have read examples where people have had the exact situation you are going through and it was a case of your zoa's being the loser of the bunch due to chemical warfare.
I'm sure you have already checked all of your parameters, so this should be your next step.
Edit: Also, I have spoken with a well respected man in this hobby that has seen anemones travel in the middle of the night and kill other corals and return by morning to the exact location. It's a huge fight for territory in this hobby! Just an idea!


Active Member
I bet that your nem inflated and touched that spot and zapped 'em. If the new polyps are all healthy and growing then eventually it will probably fill in the zapped spot also. Good luck and I hope this is the case instead of a predator.

angler man

My mind must be playing tricks on me because in the 4th pic down there looks to be a zoa spider on the right side of the image, also in the 5th pic there looks to be legs of something under the oral disc of the zoanthid.
BTW, awesome color on zoanthids.


Active Member
Look carefully for nudis. They seem to change color to duplicate the zoanthids they are feeding on. You have to scan carefully. Best time is in the morning turn the lights on. They pretty much feed all day but it is difficult to see them because of their ability to look like the polyps. If you see any use tweezers to remove them. First shut flow off incase you drop it so it doesn't get loose, even if you mash it I would not trust pieces left in the tank.
It would also be good to direct a strong flow over the polyps, but only after checking for the nudis. You don't want to blow any off and chance moving to another colony. Keep the strong flow over them for a week or so, not enough to keep them closed.


Active Member
Get out the magnifying glass and look for nudi's. I am betting with very careful scrutiny you will find some.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Get out the magnifying glass and look for nudi's. I am betting with very careful scrutiny you will find some.
Well I have been looking with a magnifying glass daily and have not seen anything (although I am not sure what to look for, something moving?). I will keep doing it.
Originally Posted by imfsub12

What is a DIP? please explaine MORE for use that have no clue!!!!!!!
A dip in my definition is to take the coral and dip it in a solution of iodine and saltwater. I use Lugols and it has directions on how to create a dip. Others use a freshwater dip.


Originally Posted by jpc763
although I am not sure what to look for

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Originally Posted by hexedagain1
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