Help!!! Zoos are dying!!

Someone please help me out. My zoos are dying off one by one. I'm not sure what is going on. I really need some input.
SG 1.025
Temp: 79
Am - 0
Ni- 0
Nrate - 10
Cal - 400
Alk - 12
I have noticed a few tiny little white creatures crawing on the dead polyps. I'm not sure if these guys are killing my zoos or what? I please need some help as I don't want to lose more zoos if I can avoid it. Are there pests that attack zoos? If so, what can I do about them?
Here is a terrible image of the polyp colony in different states of decay...



Active Member
Yeah there are Zoa eating nudibranches -- freshwater dip. Someone has a picture of them on this board...


agreed. I saw some that were damaged at my lfs once, and that's what they looked like. They said it was some kind of parasite (don't remember exactly what, I was a real newbie at that time), and they said they did a low-salinity dip and were quarantining it. Colony wound up being fine. BTW, those are beautiful polyps.


Active Member
Any pictures of the little white creatures? Could be a nudibanch or sundial snail. Sounded originally like a potential nudi from your first description. Are they feathery looking? or are you just seeing pods crawling on them - which aren't the problem...


Get a clean bucket, use whatever freshwater use to top off your tank to fill the bucket at least enough to cover the entire colony. Make sure the temp and ph are the same as your main tank. Pull any hermits, etc off the rock with the colony on it, and dunk it in the freshwater. I'm not sure how long is recommended to leave it in the dip, but a few minutes won't hurt the colony. You may see things come shooting out of the rock (copepods and/or whatever is eating your zoos, etc). This is normal. Place back in main tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Golgi Aparatus
How do I perform a freshwater dip on a this zoo rock?
Take it out of the tank...
Ok, well I have performed the freshwater dip as prescribed. Obviously they are looking pretty rough right this sec. I'll post an image. To my novice eyes, they appeared to be pod-like creatures crawling around on the polyps. I just figured whatever they were , they were hurting the polyps. I really hope they pull through.
I really love this colony!!
Does anyone know what that orange stick looking thing is that is mid/left part of the colony? Is that just part of the zoo colony? I'm not all too familiar with zoos so I'm not sure what that is..


Originally Posted by Golgi Aparatus
Does anyone know what that orange stick looking thing is that is mid/left part of the colony? Is that just part of the zoo colony? I'm not all too familiar with zoos so I'm not sure what that is..

Looks like a feather duster. As for the colony I could kinda make out what looked like 2 nudi's, or it could be fungal, I would pull it out, use a white container, and pour on some seltzer water, then add some lugols, about 12 drops for each quart of water.
here is a pic of a nudi so you can look for yourself


Active Member
So a freshwater dip won't kill a nudi? I'm having an issue with one of my new zoos frags I brought home, almost the same kind of thing. I took it out and put it in my QT because I was afraid I would spread something to my DT.


Originally Posted by azfishgal
So a freshwater dip won't kill a nudi? I'm having an issue with one of my new zoos frags I brought home, almost the same kind of thing. I took it out and put it in my QT because I was afraid I would spread something to my DT.

I'd be lying if i said yes, It may or may not come off, if you add lugols then it for sure will, as i said above seltzer water works best, its what several trans-shippers and L.A. distributers recommend.
I'll post an image of the zoos today after work and we'll see if we can tell if the potential nudibranches/eggs have been taken care of. I really hope that the dip did the job!
Do you guys think the brownish thing on the upper left hand corner of this image could be the nudibranch? It kinda looks like it could be one or perhaps some eggs...I did if fact notice that this morning that little thing was no longer on the colony.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TangWhispr
I'd be lying if i said yes, It may or may not come off, if you add lugols then it for sure will, as i said above seltzer water works best, its what several trans-shippers and L.A. distributers recommend.
So just plain old seltzer water, huh? That is definitley a lot cheaper route. I'll try it, thanks!


As nice as those polys are, I might be tempted to frag some of them and ditch the rest. It would be a shame to loose the whole thing. Just what I would do. By the way, what kind of zoo's are those? Very nice color.


Active Member
I've had just fine luck using just plain freshwater dips to rid my zoos of any nudibranches...I've heard however they wont take care of the eggs, so you might have to re-dip though later


Originally Posted by azfishgal
So just plain old seltzer water, huh? That is definitley a lot cheaper route. I'll try it, thanks!

My Zoa's prefer Scwheps brand
Any will work, the key is the co2, after its no longer bubbly, it doesn't work well.


Active Member
Well, hopefully my zoos will be ok with Canada Dry, as that's what I bought today.
Havn't dipped them, but I will later tonight. If I still see them dying I might try fragging the good ones and glueing them to a different rock. (Good idea snaredrum)
Originally Posted by Snaredrum
As nice as those polys are, I might be tempted to frag some of them and ditch the rest. It would be a shame to loose the whole thing. Just what I would do. By the way, what kind of zoo's are those? Very nice color.

I'm not sure what kind they are, but they are really nice. Thanks for the compliments on them.
How do I frag zoos??? Any link to some help would be greatly appreciated!