

Okay first the basics: 40 gal f* o, bakpak2, 2 power heads, crushed coral sub. Ph 8, amonia and nitirie at 0 nitrate between .20 and.40 salinity .019. temp 76
Problem: I lost my hawkfish two weeks ago, I added a yellow tang. Yesterday I lost my clown. (both clown and hawk were original when tank cycled a year ago) I also have a lunare wrasse. Now Yellow tang is turning very pale yellow and wrasse is in hiding. What happened???? I am really stressed. I can't seem to keep any fish. It seems that as soon as I add more than two fish, someone bits the dust, so to speak. Why? I read about all you guys having all of these beautifull fish. I would be very happy to have at least three at the same time. Any help would be great.

mr . salty

Active Member
Do you have any live rock,or anything else in the tank to harbor bacteria growth besides the filter and substrate??


In answer to all the questions: No, I don't have the powerheads connected to u* g. Also, I do not have any live rock. The lfs said that the bakpak would be plenty of filtration even if I wanted to go reef. I have been reading that you shouldn't put a tang in anything smaller than a 50 gal. I guess that would explain why I haven't been able to hang on to the other two in the past.
So being I am going to be fishless soon, from the looks of thing, do you have suggestions on what and how many fish I could attempt to keep? Thank You Very Much!


Active Member
If you have no ammonia or nitrates you have enough bio filter although live rock could only help in the long run. Two things that could be at fault are your nitrates are high and your specific gravity is low. Tangs do better in enviorments with an sp around 1.024 and LOW nitrates.


Thank you Jimi, How can I increase my sp. Do I add salt water (already mixed) when water level gets low or should I remove some water and replace with salt water? Also would LR help reduce nitrate? I just can't seem to get it lower. Also, how often can I do water changes to try to lower it?