

Active Member
ok the old tomato clown i have is like have little seizures when the new clown swims by and the new clown's fins are all torn from the clown nipping at him what should i do?


Active Member
Not sure if this is typical but I went through the same thing... I had a larger tomato and introduced a small one after about 3-month. They went at it for a while and then eventually the larger clown turned female and they started to share their Xenia host. Shortly after they spawned and we had eggs...
But, the rest of the story. I ended up giving the female away because she terrorized the tank.


How new is the new clown? Maybe take the existing clown out, put him somewhere else until the new clown gets adjusted, then bring him back in. Just my opinion.


I didn't think the siezures were bad as one of my percula clown does that alot. Just figured it was clowning around.


Let me get this straight. Your old clown which has established his territory and has an anemone is exibiting strange behavior and beating the crap out a new clown, and its a tomatoe clown?
I'm really not very suprised, not at all. I give the new clown about a 20% chance to live the next two weeks.


Active Member
I took him out that tomato is so mean i think i am goin to get rid of him he chases any thing he sees hes soo mean.