

New Member
Hi everybody, I have a 46 gal with 5 fish on it. marron clown, buterfly longnose,coral beauty,HENIOCHUS and and a sailfin tang. I need advise in what cleaning crew should I put, and also I want to get some corals and inverts, I'll appresiate any feedback, thanks.


Your long nose butterfly will probably eat or pick at some inverts and coral, so you probably won't be able to add a whole cleaning crew like what is avialable from this site. Hopefully now that this post is back at the top someone else can give you more info.

mr . salty

Active Member
The butterfly will probably will not pick on the inverts too much.But any thing that even resembles a coral will be a quick snack.


i think you have a bigger problem than a cleaning crew. dont know if im the first to say anything to you but a sailfin tang in a 46 gallon tank isnt going to work. what i have says they need a 135gal or larger. dont know too much about a cleaning crew, but wouldnt recommend keeping that fish in that tank for very long.


as long as most of the fish are now juvies(young) :D I would be darn sure that you get a minimun of 2-3 cleaner shrimp..... they will be a god send to your tank in keeping ICH under control and it is keewwwllll to see the fish line up for a cleaning,,,, also a bit more live rock would be nice.....