

Please :help: if you can I have a Clown fish ( my son's ) and it has black dots on his body, he is swimming low to the bottom of the tank (pretty much staying in one spot) and wont eat much. He has been like this now for a few days in the morning he acts like this then by mid day he seems fine I've had him now for 3 months my other fish in the tank are all fine swimming and eating like always. I tried to get a pic but where he is i can't get a good one.. :help: if you can THANK YOU


Staff member
rasnme, can you be more specific about the black spots? Size, location, how many, shape? Are they raised or just a darkening of the skin. More details.


Beth the spots are on his sides they seem to be flat and are all of different sizes, they seem to be of black/gray in color he swims in one spot with a heavy butt (no other way to explane) I've added a pic not sure if you will be able to see what I am talking about


Yes looks just like that pic, is there anything I can do to help him he really doesn't seem to be doing to good. My tank doesn't get any sunlight and all my other fish are fine..


Staff member
rasnme, hyper-melanism really is not a problem, if that is what you are seeing. It can be caused by the fish "reascting" to something, like coral stings if he is trying to host a non-anemone.
Is he hosting? Is the fish eating at all, if so what are you feeding him.? Notice any rapid breathing? Of gilling rapidly?


I have a pink tip anemone that he hasn't gone near that I have seen, his breathing has become rapid. I feed all my fish the same thing brine shrimp and flake food omega one natural protein and i just bought sera marine the enriched blended food with multi- vitamins I also have added the kent Garlic xtreme dorps all the other fish are eating just fine the clown wont eat a thing.


Beth first I would like to thank you so much for your time with my problem your have been great
second I have been doing some reading and came across this> Black Spot/Gill and Skin Parasites
Parasites that will actually appear in different physical characteristics. Signs of this disease include gasping/coughing, scratching, white patches, and/or visible long dark worm-like attachments. It is caused by hosts of different parasites, and is often treated by a long bath in parasitic remedies such as Methylene Blue or Formalin. This disease can also be effectively controlled by preventive type medicines that disallow the spreading of this deadly disease.
So I was wondering if maybe I should take out the anemone if that could be the reason why my fish is not doing to well even tho I haven't seen him near the enemone?


Staff member
No, the anemone is not likely causing the problem. What I am saying that hyper-mallaninism is not really a problem at all. However, if the fish is actaully breathing fast you may have a problem.
Can you get a close up shot of the fish and problem areas? Including gills? Have you noticed any white pataches??
Do you have a quarantine tank?


there are no white patches, just the black/gray patches I have tried to get a better pic of him, but when I get to close to the tank he swim to the back side.. and this might sound odd but when he was pooping it was long white string looking thing.. I don't have a quarantine tank