
New Member
I have a 80 Gallon salt water fish tank and i have a bio wheel filter and the powerheads and pump. My ph is perfect cause i put a raw shrimp in there so i could get the nitrates up. My salt level is perfect to. I have a mixture of live rock and dead coral in the tank right now along with some damsels. my question is do i need anything else? do i need protein skimmer? do i need sumps? and can i get live plants?


Active Member
Do you have any power heads? Also - if you plan on having a fish only tank I would recommend a 4 inch deep sand bed and a protien skimmer.


How much live rock do you have? A protein skimmer is always a good idea if you can afford it. What kind of lighting do you have, also what is your nitrate level now? I perfer a sump with a wet/dry as opposed to a bio wheel but if you have enough LR it will suffice for the bio filtration by itself. Be carefull if you add another type of small fish, some damsels can be nasty.