

New Member
:help: :help
Hello, Ia m new to this site and to the aquarium world. I have a 29g tang, with about 20lbs of live rock, 2 anemone, 1 lionfisg, pink tale, naso tang, and 1 puffer. My water is 78F, and the salt is perfect. I wanted to know if I can add more fisg? How often can I clean the tank, and what to feed my fish? I will appreciate any help..thanks


Morbo, you need a new a tank!!!! Please do some research on these boards as what fish are appropriate for what size tank you have. The fish that are in there probably won't last to long as they will get stressed out.


Active Member
I agree with salty!!!! 1 anemone per tank is just the rule they move and will most likely meat and kill each other. the lion fish might work if its a dwarf lion. I dont know what a pink tale is. A tang is way out of the question for that tank the smallest tang needs 75 gallon and most need 100+. And a puffer needs at least a 75.