

i checked my nitrates this morning and they're through the roof....................i mean super high! i haven't tested in awhile, i've been really lacking on keeping up on tank maintenance. my tank is a 55 with 4'DSB and 60lbs. LR apair of clowns and a pair of blue damsels. i noticed the algae was getting a little out of control. i'm using a Emperor 400 filter and a Sea clone 100 skimmer what should i do? was thinking of a massive water change and then start my weekly changes again. any other suggestions? :help:


Active Member
4 smaller fish in a 55g is a pretty light load to be getting that high of nitrates. How much and how often do you feed?? How old is the tank?? What do you have for a clean up crew??
I would double check the readings with your LFS or another test kit, do a 20% water change then start doing weekly changes.