
I can't take it any more my petland discounts has a purple tang that is suffering form head and lat line. this fish has been in the store for over a month. I have a 55 gal tank and want to save it. how much should i offer for the fish ? and then what medc's do I need to treat it with? My 55 will be it's home until it get better. My 55 is my main display, I am willing to use all my other tankes to house my fish while I save this one. Please any answer I can get will help me. Don't let this fish die it has tried too long not to live.


Christopher, I just this week had the same problem! The ***** here had a sick Clown Trigger, one of my most favorite fish. I knew that if I could buy it I could save it, these fish are so resiliant. They would not sell the fish for a penny less than they were asking $135.00, OUCHHH!! So I decided to ask them if they would treat it and I would buy it when it was healthy (even though I already have one, and could not really buy it), I thought if they think they have a buyer they might actually try to save the fish. So, I kept calling every couple of days to check on the clown, and never could get a straight answer on wether they were really treating the fish or not. I finally took the 30 minute drive to go check it out myself, and guess what; the fish had died! I couldn't believe it, how do they write off such big $$$ losses. I was really upset, and went to look at the other fish. Now they have this beautiful red sea desjardini tang and it is covered with ick and has cloudy eyes, and I am guessing the fish will be dead in a couple of days also. I am like you, I really want to buy these fish and save them, even if the fish died and I was out the money, atleast I tried; but, what would I do with all of them when they were healthy?? As far as what to pay for the fish, I am not sure they will sell it for less than they are asking. The only way to carry out treatment is in a sick tank, as most meds will kill all of your good bacteria, thus killing your biological filter and causing your tank to cycle again. I have never treated HLLE, however in the book "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" it says it is caused by poor water quality and lack of nutrition; so just getting the fish in to clean water, and feeding it good food would certainly help. IME, I usually also would treat with an antibiotic such as maracyn or maracyn2 to help prevent secondary infection. I wish you the best of luck if you try it, and admire you for caring enough! <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />