i am thinking of going to an agressive tank because a reef is to hard to take care of.
i have an ich break out in the 65g reef tank right now,
and i am thinking of selling the corals and lights and going to treat the whole tank with copper. then i want to add either a dog faced puffer or a porcupine puffer, with a volitan lion, and mabey a snowflake moray.
would that be cool? :notsure: :notsure:
i am also thinking of getting a 9w uv sterillizer?
and a berlin H.O skimmer?
i have an ich break out in the 65g reef tank right now,
would that be cool? :notsure: :notsure:
i am also thinking of getting a 9w uv sterillizer?
and a berlin H.O skimmer?