

i am thinking of going to an agressive tank because a reef is to hard to take care of.
i have an ich break out in the 65g reef tank right now,
and i am thinking of selling the corals and lights and going to treat the whole tank with copper. then i want to add either a dog faced puffer or a porcupine puffer, with a volitan lion, and mabey a snowflake moray.
would that be cool? :notsure: :notsure:
i am also thinking of getting a 9w uv sterillizer?

and a berlin H.O skimmer?


Don't treat your main tank with copper!!! I made that mistake a few months ago and it took forever to get out of my tank. It prevented me from buying live rock for at least two months. I treated my tank in early July and I finally bought some live rock for it yesterday. What is in your tank right now? People will always say whatever fish has ich put it in a QH tank if you have one then treat that with copper. I agree I made that mistake before and it sucked.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefer123
i am thinking of going to an agressive tank because a reef is to hard to take care of.
i have an ich break out in the 65g reef tank right now,
and i am thinking of selling the corals and lights and going to treat the whole tank with copper. then i want to add either a dog faced puffer or a porcupine puffer, with a volitan lion, and mabey a snowflake moray.
would that be cool? :notsure: :notsure:
i am also thinking of getting a 9w uv sterillizer?

and a berlin H.O skimmer?

Don't waste your money..Instead spend it wisely...Set up a small 10G QT tank...every new fish you should put in there for a month before adding to your main one...
Spend $100 now it'll save you $1,000's later on.


Active Member
yes but not to forget the fact that now probably your main display has ick, whether its a single parasite or a colony about to brew, be better off setting up a QT for your corals and treating your main tank now.. just my 2 cents but from what i have read this seems to be the issue at hand in how the disease works and stays in your system, however you could remove your fish for about 6 weeks and the ick will die..keeping your corals and all other inverts in tact...