

something is drastically wrong i think. i get up this morning, check my tank as i usually do, and see that my ocellaris clown is all "white" looking and his "skin" looks like it's falling off. he was still swimming but very erattically. anyway, he just bit the dust. very concerned, what could be wrong? Help please, don't want my other 2 fish to die too!!


Active Member
Well the first thing you need to do is test the water for Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, pH and alk.
I will admit I don't know a whole lot about fish diseases, Beth can help you best in the disease and treatment forum.


looks like that first disease, Brooklynella i think, how would he have gotten it and how do i keep the 2 fish i have left from dying from it? is there such a thing as preventative maintenence with fish or do i have to wait till they're sick too?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mande51334
looks like that first disease, Brooklynella i think, how would he have gotten it and how do i keep the 2 fish i have left from dying from it? is there such a thing as preventative maintenence with fish or do i have to wait till they're sick too?

They are like humans...You keep your environment wont get sick...change hot and cold to many times you'll get sick...drink to get to much of the wrong get sick...Breath in toxic fumes all'll get sick..
Fish are the same...You don't take cold medicine everyday to keep a cold away right? Fish can't either...
All you can do is provide a great environment for them and for thier immune system to fight off diseases...
Brocklynella is a fast moving disease...If your fish in fact has needs to be treated ASAP, don't wait a day! It only has a day or two left if untreated.
Something is probably wrong with your water...
Look in the diease section for treatment of Brook...DO IT FAST!