

Just Starting Need Help. I have a 24G nano tank. 7.5lbs of LR 6lbs of live sand. Used RO water from a lps, Whats the next steps??? Fish and Coral and all. Dont know what to do HELP!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ClownGuy38
Just Starting Need Help. I have a 24G nano tank. 7.5lbs of LR 6lbs of live sand. Used RO water from a lps, Whats the next steps??? Fish and Coral and all. Dont know what to do HELP!!!
check this site it will give you all the info you need to run and maintain a healthy tank
please do your research before adding any livstock to you new set up.mistakes can be very costly


Active Member
you have a while to wait befor you should get any fish or corals especially the corals. think above will give you just about every detail on step by step preccess how long i takes have plenty of time for reading before your tank is near ready for fish yet.happy reading.rule number 1 in this hobby veryyyyyyyyyyy important rule. patients .with patients come knowledge,with knowledge comes success.