
salt one

ok, i have a couple question, scince i haven't been able to get on for awhile. first the other day i went to my LFS and told him i wanted a cleaner shrimp, he got me a Coral Banded shrimp(stenopus hispidus) and i have seen it maybe 2 times since i got it and its been about a week. will have ever come out and be social? and if not, what about the cleaner shrimp i was thinking about called lysmata amboinensis. will it be more social?
another thing, i am going to my LFS tomorrow and buy another coral, i have a plate coral right now thats doing great, what should i get next, I WANT COLOR something to make you look twice..... help, thanks


New Member
I have 2 cleaner shrimp. They love attention. They come up to the top and feed out of my hand. THey are great.


My coral banded stays in the back of the tank most of the cleaner is just the opposite..stays out front and cleans fish really fun to watch..
as far as corals look at the hammer corals..mine makes you look three times..
My coral banded was a nasty fellow, he would bite at fish twice his size, and they never picked on him. My lfs said it would probably be better not to get any other shrimp with the coral banded, but I think if you got a shrimp you would have the best luck with the cleaner and coral doing alright in the same tank.


New Member
Coral banded shrimp spend most of the daylight hours hiding. The best time for veiwing is 1/2 hour after the lights go out.They are primary nocturnal and do their hunting at night. As for cleaner shrimp they are on daylight time and do all of their feeding during the day while hiding through the night. Cleaner shrimp are a great addition to any reef tank due to the interaction they take with fish of the reef. It is amazing to watch as they set up cleaning stations about the aquarium. As for corals depending on lighting elegence corals are a great choice relativly easy to care for with striking beauty. I have also been able to keep flowerpots under intense VHO lighting I currently have 4 seperate colonies each with an age of 4 plus years. This is my all time favorite coral and i believe all the hype about hardiness is a untrue. If your local fish store has a good healthy speciman collected from Jarkata it may be a good idea to give one a try as long as you have a great deal of lighting and a pretty stronge current to keep it in. Happy fishkeeping.

salt one

thanks, i will try one of the cleaner shrip, thats what i wanted in the first place i think! is a coral-banded a type of cleaner shrimp, or is my LFS tellin a lie? and i will look into the corals


SaltOne, do you have a frogspawn? If not, I would buy one just for the head-turning! Mine is green with pink tips and they need the same care as other hard corals, such as the bubble and hammer(this one is a great choice too). I ordered the frogspawn from this site and have had good luck with it.