
blue strip

does a fuge and a wet dry filter do about the same thing or are they completly different do i need them both and if i dont what would i need for a 120 i really want to get rid of my back packs and how would i got about setting one up you all talk about drilling your tanks not to sure about that and well im not really sure about any of it i just know i want to switch and not sure which way to go


New Member
They are completely different you only need a refugium if your tanks a reef either way not totally nessary..If all you want to do is get rid of your back packs my opinion is to get a large enough wet dry system for your tank Im guessing around 150 or bigger. With that you can put your skimmer and uv light down below.. you really dont need any other filtration but rember to change your filter on a by weekly basis for better cause it will slow down the flow if you dont...Also get a valve for your return line so you can regulate the flow correctly....good luck
As far as drilling is concerned you have to make sure your tank is drillable..Most manufactures do NOT recommend it os youll have to put up with the supplied res. tank with your new wet dry system