

Guys...I need some help....i'm TOTALLY new at this
Ok...i have had this tank for about 6 months...
Its a 10 gallon with a Penguin bio-wheel filter
1 clown
1 yellow tang
3 snails
1 sand sifter starfish (bought it last week)
My problem is that i have some problems with Brown algae (diatoms) on the sand.
Give me some advice and some much needed help
PS--I AM NOT RICH---i can't spend tons of money



You are going to have MUCH bigger problems than brown algae......
1) Get that tang OUT of there before it gets ich from stress
2) Get some live rock, or even base rock if you want to go cheaper for some biological filtration.
3) What is your lighting schedule? Sometimes lighting will effect algal growth.
4) What kind of snails? Sand sifting snails like Nassarius can help stir up the sand bed.


NUDI!!! here we go again with the darn tang police... Sam!!! that tang needs a 75 gallon or bigger so it would be great if you could take it back to the store.
The brown alge is from you lighting being on too long. Also get a cleaning crew (some turbo's, and some snails for glass and sand sifting!) Dont flip out if people yell at you about your tang! I try to be nice about it but some people like NUDI bash you for it. IMO people will get a lot farther if they would be NICE!! and explain why you need to tang the tang back to the store. GOOD LUCK!

P.S. get a magfloat to clean the glass they are like 2 bucks. 10 crabs and 7 snails should do the trick... The crabs are always fun to watch anyways

keith burn

Active Member
first light ????what kind and how long are that on 4.5w per gal 8/10h a day.
imo the tang is no good in 10 gal (not tang police)but may no do well
more l/r or bio balls to filter
cleaning crew will help alot 8/10 b/l hermit crabs 5/6 snails
this will be good start


Active Member
first of all brown algea is not caused primarily by light being on to long although it does somewhat effect it. Brown algea is diatoms the reason you are getting diatoms is because your filter can't handle the bioload your fish are putting out (i.e. the Yellow Tang) so lighten your bioload or get some more live rock/filtration


If you look at the first full tank shot, it looks like on the left side wall of the tank theres cyano... which would be due to something in the light schedule, probably from just being on too long. How long are you running your lights each day? Clean up crew would definately help, and i would put some LR in there for sure. Maybe you could get some store credit if you take that YT back and put it towards some LR???


Originally Posted by Zanski
NUDI!!! here we go again with the darn tang police... Sam!!! that tang needs a 75 gallon or bigger so it would be great if you could take it back to the store.
The brown alge is from you lighting being on too long. Also get a cleaning crew (some turbo's, and some snails for glass and sand sifting!) Dont flip out if people yell at you about your tang! I try to be nice about it but some people like NUDI bash you for it. IMO people will get a lot farther if they would be NICE!! and explain why you need to tang the tang back to the store. GOOD LUCK!

P.S. get a magfloat to clean the glass they are like 2 bucks. 10 crabs and 7 snails should do the trick... The crabs are always fun to watch anyways

I was most certainly not bashing, I said nothing rude, Sam asked for help and I gave an honest opinion. I certainly agree that he should attempt to return it to the store, and I'm sorry if it came across as bashing but I certainly dont appreciate your comments. :notsure:


Active Member
NudiLove was not flaming this poster whatsoever. NudiLove was most certainly right that the yellow tang needs a much larger tank, at least a 90 or so to do okay in. That is the truth. Tangs often are much more susceptible to ich or head and lateral line erosion when in a small tank.
Also, the starfish needs a much larger tank as well, with a much deeper sand bed. They often starve in small tanks, and need a tank of at least 125 gallons.
One more thing: you will definitely need more live rock. This will help keep the tank stable, and make your animals more healthy.
These are the first three priorities that you need to address in your tank.
As far as the algae, we need to know your nitrate level, your water source (tap or RO), and your water change frequency.


You guys are SO MUCH HELP
I started this tank with no experience and only a book to help me figure it out. My gf bought me a tank and a bio wheel filter and a heater and the salt mix and i went at it. Didn't know about the tang until just now....THANKS.
ASAP I will get more LR and get those crabs and snails....what kind of crabs?? Emerald??
I will also try to sell back the Tang and the star.
And i will def get that magnet cleaner.
I'll post more pics when i do all that stuff


Active Member
Hey, that's what we are here for.
Here, there is no such thing as a stupid question, or anything like that. We are only here to help you make your aquarium great!
I would probably just do a bunch of snails for your tank. I would get some astrea snails for the rocks, and then some nassurius or cerith snails for the sand bed.
Also, once you get more live rock, a little yellow watchman goby may help your sand bed a lot too. These fish stay small, are very attractive, and will fit in your tank nicely once the tang and star are gone.
Good luck with your tank and post any possible questions that you may have!!


What fish can I add, if I get rid of my Tang and star and add the cleaning crew? Also I am interested in corals and invertebrates, what type of lighting would I need for them?


Active Member
Well, a clown, small goby (like a clown or watchman), and another fish would be okay if you maintain the aquarium well (nitrates, specifically). As a last fish, I would do a small blenny or something similiar. Actually, my stocklist for that tank would be:
green or yellow clown goby (first pic)
chalk basslet (second pic)
Both of those fish I have pictured are pretty cheap too. Neither are above $20. The clown goby grows a max of 2 inches, while the basslet grows a max of 3 inches. Both are doable in that tank, and are fine with corals.
A pair of neon gobies are also fantastic fish for that size tank, in case you don't like one of the other fish I mentioned. They are in the third pic.
For corals, you will have to upgrade your lighting to at least power compact. I have a place where you could get a great light for that tank for about $30.
Send me an email if you would like.



Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Well, a clown, small goby (like a clown or watchman), and another fish would be okay if you maintain the aquarium well (nitrates, specifically). As a last fish, I would do a small blenny or something similiar. Actually, my stocklist for that tank would be:
green or yellow clown goby (first pic)
chalk basslet (second pic)
Both of those fish I have pictured are pretty cheap too. Neither are above $20. The clown goby grows a max of 2 inches, while the basslet grows a max of 3 inches. Both are doable in that tank, and are fine with corals.
A pair of neon gobies are also fantastic fish for that size tank, in case you don't like one of the other fish I mentioned. They are in the third pic.
For corals, you will have to upgrade your lighting to at least power compact. I have a place where you could get a great light for that tank for about $30.
Send me an email if you would like.
Great advice LionCrazz,
And the clown gobies are great little fish. If I could get one at this point I would...but alas my other fishies would probably not allow it...too territorial. They've been in there and established way too long.
Best of luck to you. You've definitely come to the right place to find out what you need to know!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I don't suggest any anemones in that size tank, and the corals you get depends on the lighting. If you go with the light fixture that I was talking about above, you could do mushrooms, leathers, polyps, brains, frogspwawns, hammers, torches, plates, and things of that nature. You want to stay away from SPS hard corals such as acroporas and clams. I would also stay away from any type of anemone.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NudiLove
I was most certainly not bashing, I said nothing rude, Sam asked for help and I gave an honest opinion. I certainly agree that he should attempt to return it to the store, and I'm sorry if it came across as bashing but I certainly dont appreciate your comments. :notsure:

Nudi, I did not think you were rude at all.


nudi not being rude?????? come on...
and caps... = RUDE!
try explaining why the person should remove the tang. saying "it will get ich from stress"..... If i was a "newb" i wouldnt know what that meant...IMO!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Zanski
nudi not being rude?????? come on...
and caps... = RUDE!
try explaining why the person should remove the tang. saying "it will get ich from stress"..... If i was a "newb" i wouldnt know what that meant...IMO!

Zanski, it is over and done with. I am asking you kindly to just let it go, please. Nudi already apologized and said it was not meant to be rude.
I just thought the caps were for emphasis.


Hey everyone...relax
Its ok.....i'm fine.....not insulted
thanks for defending me and thanks for helping me out with the info
I just realized that my canopy came with a coralite 10,000K bulb
is that a PC?
can i get corals??