

New Member
tank has been neglected. nitrates are very high around 80. tank has been set for about three years. ive done regular water changes about 20% every two weeks. but ive been bad and have missed the last 5 changes. how often can i do water changes?????please advise


You can do them every day as long as they are rather small. It's hard to get replacement water properly mixed and the temp regulated that fast, but if you can do it then it wouldn't hurt to do small daily changes... By small I mean 2 or 3 percent. Not sure of the size of your tank...
That can be 21% a week, and until you get your trates back to an acceptible level, that's what I'd do.
If you don't have the means to do a daily then 5% every other day is OK also, as long as the temp matches (along with salinity of course).
That's be MHO


Active Member
Originally Posted by fish-man-t
bi weekly imo
i dont think that is bad..but if the tank has been sitting for a while i would start out with weekly.JMO