

New Member
after adding roughly 7.5 lbs of LR my flame angle fish and cardinal died a day apart. now my clown fish are dissappearing and not eating.
i tested all levels are 0. Ph is about 8 and salanity is 1.022 what is wrong in my tank?


Staff member
That doesn't make much sense, unless you really disrupted the tank environment adding the live rock. How long have you had these fish, and is the size of your tank?


New Member
my tank is 55 gallon
and the fish have been in there ranging from 3 weeks to 3 months
also my clarkii clown died this morning


Not that I am an expert or anything but was the rock cured. I have had to cure rock for several weeks before putting it in my tank to make sure that anything that was in the rock that died (during shipping) was gone so it didn't cause an chemical spike. Put the rock in a 5 gallon bucket with salt water and a power head then took a brush to it every other day (changing the water) to try and get out anything that might have been there that had died from shipping. There are folks on this site that know a lot more than I do but it might be a thought.........
Hope things go well........


Originally Posted by hockeyman
what could it be though
it never showed in any tests
How old are your test kits? Have you taken a sample to the lfs to confirm your readings?


New Member
thank you very much but i am pretty sure it was already cured. i didn't buy it online i bought it from a store where it was already in a tank with other LR and a saddleback Butterfly


Originally Posted by hockeyman
what do you mean by lfs, sorry i'm new to the aquarium scene
Local Fish Store. Have you taken a water sample to be rechecked to make sure your readings are acurate?


Staff member
I'm thinking that it must have been some sort of disease that went undetected. Do you have any fish left?