

New Member
I'm not entirely new at the hobby, my first tank was a 10 gal nano and that worked out great until I moved from FL to NC and sold it. Now, Im back at it again, only this time one a larger scale, not much but bigger than before. Im in the midst of beginning to setup a 55G Reef and I'd like the advice/expertise from all of you veterans out there..hehe My idea is to create a DIY sump/fuge with a 10G, and honestly, thats as far as I've gotten on the idea, so any ideas here would be great and much appreciated. I've been doing my research ect. ect. and there seems to be a lot of debate on things...*ie. sand beds, sumps, lighting. I want advice. ;D Please, on anything, not just the sump. Thank you!


Active Member
WELCOME. first is your tank drilled? if not you will have to have a hob overflow. I have no experiance with those so i will let someone else address that.
skimmer. aqua remora makes a nice hob that dose great for a 55 gal. ita aqua remora pro. wwith only a 10 gal sump, its prob not big enough for an in sump skimmer.
lights will depend on what type of corals you want to keep. do you have a canopy? t5s would be nice on that size tank. I ran 265 pc's on mine and had zoos, shrooms, and leathers.
powerheads - at least 2 if not three. maxijet is a good brand.
use sand. you can use dead sand and add a lb or two of live. much cheaper.
Use at least 60 lbs of rock. you can use base rock mixed with live for extra savings.
give me an e-mail for more info m0m24@earthlink dot net.
hope this info helps a little.


Everything Teresa said sounds good, but if I were you I would try to go for a 20g sump so you could hide the skimmer in there. Thats the only change I personally would make. Good Luck and welcome to the boards