

New Member
I'm new to this and would like to find some info or feedback on setting up live rock. different styles and configurations. I have a new 125g on it's and have a 58g w/LV, fish and a few corals that I intend on putting in the 125g
also any tips or help in setting my new tank is welcome
Thank you for any help possiable,


when setting up all of my tanks i tend to make little cubby holes and passage ways for my fish to hide or dart in and out of. If you have a wrasse it will dart in and out of these passages very quickly and it is entertaining to watch, also this method allows debris to flow through the rock structure instead of building up inside your tank.


New Member
Hello and good luck with new tank. I had a 95 gallon hex tank now have a 125 tank I thought i needed more rock. so I went bought more stacked it all up about 10 different times finaly call LFS owner who is good at stacking tanks said I had way to many then he restacked it wow what a difference. Lots of about 5 to 10 inch holes all the way to the back yet lots of flat spots for corals to rest also make sure plenty of smaller holes for the feather's and corals fish store's grow on sticks to stick them in and the candy canes hold real good in holes try laying towel's out on floor to match tanks size then stack rock thier pick up peice by peice move to tank to match layout on floor GL Whip