

New Member
Well I had a profile before this one but for got the password so I made a new
Well I'm here because I went to go look at my tank today and I looked at my yellow tang and i noticed that there was a white shade over his eyes.
And I think its pop-eye. Can anyone help, someone please tell me on how I can help my yellow tang.
Thanks for the help.


Active Member
More info; water parameters (nitrate, pH, salinity)
other tankmates, filtration, any aggression from other fish?
It might be popeye, it might be an abrasion or other injury. Was the fish netted recently?
post in diseases message board, there are some pros here, someone can advise. Take a pic and post it. Go to LFS and buck up on some meds.


Originally Posted by Myrtle Beach
post in diseases message board, there are some pros here, someone can advise. Take a pic and post it. Go to LFS and buck up on some meds.
No meds are needed for popeye. What are your specific water parameters for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, kh, SG, and temp? What sized tank do you have? How long has it been set up? How long have you had this fish? What other fish do you have? What do you feed your fish?