

New Member
I just bought a condilactis anemone and the person at the pet store recommended a light to me because i know that they need strong lighting but the light he recommended is a blue color light and the ones that they use in their tanks are standard white lights. So do i have to use the blue lighting or would a strong white lighting work or maybe i could set up for both so I can run the standard light in day time and the blue at night? Any advice would be appericated.


New Member
it is a 30 gal tank and the bulb is 18watt coral sun brand actinic 420 and i have 2 clarki clown fish, a fire fish, and a few hermit crabs and snails the tank is doing well water tests come out good but I tend not to trust the pet store and prefer to get a second oppionion. My son bought me a feather duster and they didn't inform him that they required special care and told him that it would be very easy to take care of.


Active Member
LFS strikes again...
That bulb I think is an 18 inch 15 watt NO lamp.
On a proper high output type lamp ( PC, T5, MH ), the white wavelength is best for photosynthetic animals, enough blue is supplied with them as well. You can add blue lamps with the white ones to get the desired look for yourself but first must supply enough white for the anemone which just blue ones most often dont do.
Also, if your hopeing for the clowns to host the condy, good luck, most often they end up hurting or eating the fish. Condies are not naturally clownfish hosting anemones.
I sugest returning the Condy and research anemones untill you feel you know what they need and can provide it.....oh yea, and dont listen to that LFS.