

I have a Pink Tip Haitian Anemone, it seems to be laying down on the tank it has rooted water flow is accurate Ammonia is .15
just feed. This morning it is sprawled out all over the place. now it has hunkered down


usually anemone's move around till they find a place they like, the recommend medium to strong flow and strong lighting. They also deflate when they are discharging water from them. They will shrink when they are doing that then they will appear to normal size again. Keep them fed also cause they will eat your fish. Also whay do you have ammonia in your tank? you need to do a water change to get rid of it or find out what is causing it.
How old is your tank? it is not recommended to have any anemone's unless your tank is atleast 6 months old..
just my .02


got the amonia droped to zero added a sump and did a rum ammonia drop to 0.0. Tank is 3 monthes old. Put 3 bottles or dio spira in it the first day. Wated will the cycle was over. put 2 clowns in there a flower pot coral, a curly Q and the pink tip. Coral ben in there for 1 month pink tip 1 week. Curly Q 5 days. The Q is doing alot better now then where he was. He didnt have accurat lighting or food for 3 weeks. It seems to be doing alot better now after i did the watter change. I over loaded my system to quick the othere day. Did to many things at one. But how long dose it tank a clown to host usualy ?